Update - Update Date: 20.11.2020
Key new features
- Added achievements with titles, where you can complete some tasks to get bonuses using a specific title
- Added specific bonuses for different equipment elements to alter enchanting, socketing, harvesting, loot chance, time, and cost.
- Added loot distribution that the group leader can set.
Changes to existing features
- Combat: Modified damage calculation. Added another parameter that will be rolled to handle the full range of damages.
- Combat: Modified damage calculation and changed integer values to double to increase calculations precision.
- UI: Added information message when AUCTION_OWN_LIMIT for Auction House was reached.
- Auction House: Fixed issue with Auction House where AUCTION_OWN_LIMIT value allowed the player to list limit + 1 item.
- Auction House: Fixed issue where the canceled auction wasn’t removed in the UI (refreshing issue).
- Combat: Fixed issue with melee combat ability where hit roll was incorrectly sent to effects with value 0.
- Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue with coordinated effect where if the sound had a delay setting > 0 it wasn’t properly destroyed.
- Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue with coordinated effect where if particle had a delay setting > 0 it wasn’t properly destroyed.
- Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue with CoordLockMove component where jump instead of sourceOID was checking casterOID.
- Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue where in CoordParticleEffect component for Master Audio integration inspector was presented incorrectly.
- Group: Fixed issue with group refreshing group panel.
- Merchants: Handled exception where item price assigned to merchant table was set to 0.
- Merchants: Fixed issue with selling price where on the server was round while on the client-side was cast to an integer.
- Quests: Fixed issue with quest requirements.
- Resource Nodes: Fixed exception where the server sent information about resource nodes status before the scene was loaded.
- Resource Nodes: Fixed issue with resource node, when the gathering was canceled and reinvoked.
- UI: Fixed issue related to combat floating texts, and combat chat.
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update - Update Date: 16.08.2020
Key new features
- Added option for abilities, to cast it on the group (available only for friendly effect ability).
- Added experience for combat skills, where experience can be defined per ability usage and per weapon swing.
- Added option for unique items, so only one could be equipped.
- Added experience per mob basis instead of per mob type/quality.
- Resource Nodes: Added experience for gathering skills.
Changes to existing features
- Bank: Removed currency view from the bank window.
- Combat: Fixed issue where mob tagged by a player, gave experience and loot only for the player which tagged him, even the mob was reset to his spawn point.
- Coordinated Effects: Fixed issue with coordinated effects weren’t played properly on interactive objects (mecanim).
- Crafting: Fixed issue if the craft failed it wasn’t stopped but continued till it was succeeded.
- Crafting: Fixed GRID_SIZE loading issue for crafting.
- Crafting: Fixed issue with crafting when during craft player could send, sell, or trade materials required for crafting, and crafting process wasn’t aborted.
- Effects: Fixed issue with sleep where after sleep on mob was over, the mob was teleported to the player if the distance was high.
- Effects: Fixed issue with sleep where if the mob was traveling on the defined patrol path, and sleep effect was cast on him, the mob was still moving to the next patrol point.
- Effects: Fixed transfer rate for damage effects.
- Effects: Fixed pulse calculations for damage over time and heal over time (time interval between pulses was calculated incorrectly).
- Effects: Fixed issue if sleep or stun was during players log out, then after login it will remain in the incapacitated state.
- Effects: Fixed issue when stun and sleep were on the target and another effect like the damage was causing to not only woke up the target from sleep but also was removing stun effect.
- Items: Fixed issue where ammunition wasn’t removed from the player character panel when it was used.
- Items: Fixed server hang when last ammunition was used.
- Items: Fixed tooltip issue for main and off-hand weapons equipped.
- Items: Fixed durability which wasn’t saved in the database.
- Items: Fixed issue, where if off-hand and main hand weapons were equipped, and at least one item with set definition was in the inventory or in the backpack, and the player tried to equipped two-handed weapon caused hangs.
- Items: Fixed issue where it wasn’t possible to equip ammunition with an off-hand weapon.
- Items: Fixed issue where enchanted items weren’t properly compared in the tooltip.
- Merchants: Fixed issue where an item could be put into a mail, sold in merchant, and mailed successfully.
- Merchants: Fixed issue where an item could be sold in merchant with a negative price.
- Skills: Fixed automatically learn from skills.
- Skills: Fixed skill learning from points per player level.
- Skills: Fixed issue where learn skill effect wasn’t properly refreshed if it was used through an interactive object.
- Skills: Fixed issue where skill cost wasn’t properly taken into account.
- Skills: Fixed calculations for skill class and opposite class costs when the skill was learned by adding points.
- Skills: Fixed option only this class which wasn’t taken into account when the skill was learned by adding points.
- UI: Fixed issue where the effect on the target wasn’t removed in the UI if the effect didn’t have a timer.
- UI: Fixed issue where the trade window was empty when the player was disconnected from the server and reconnected again within the same game start.
- UI: In the skill window where the point can be assigned skill level in the tooltip wasn’t properly presented.
- UI: Fixed issue where Bank slots were behaving incorrectly if the number of the slot in the UI was the same as the number of slots sent by the server. Slots were not refreshed.
- UI: Fixed issue where icons overlapped each other if the items were dropped one on another.
- UI: Fixed issue where the required level in the tooltip for an item was colored as red until the player reached one level higher than the required one.
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update - Update Date: 30.04.2020
Key new features
- Added item sets functionality, so there will be sets that will give you additional stats when part of the sets will be equipped
- Added socketing, so you will be able to put gems and runes into specific equipment to increase its parameters
- Added enchanting, where you will be able to enchant equipment to increase its parameters
- Added auction house where you can sell and buy items
Changes to existing features
- The balancing operation has been carried out. Changes have been made to the statistics of the equipment
- Fixed refresh of effects for group members.
- Fixed refresh of effects for the target, when a target was deselected and selected again.
- Fixed trade between players, where the bound item was dragged to the trade window and trade window was closed.
- Fixed coordinated effects, so they could be interrupted and synchronized properly between players.
- Fixed Legacy Animation for Asset Bundles where attack animation wasn’t properly triggered.
- Fixed Legacy Animation where specialAttack wasn’t properly set.
- Fixed issue where key bindings weren’t properly read from the Login->Scripts game object definition.
- Fixed price calculation for bundle versus single item. Now price is calculated per item and then multiplied by the amount for both client and server, and if the price per item after rounding is 0, it will be set to 1.
- Fixed mail panel where mail topic wasn’t properly presented.
- Fixed mail panel where message text wasn’t properly cleared after mail sent.
- Fixed mail panel where C.O.D. and standard mail weren’t properly reset after mail sent.
- Fixed missing translation for the required class in the tooltip.
- Fixed missing translation for the required skill in the tooltip.
- Fixed missing translation for the required class label in the tooltip.
- Fixed missing translation for the completed quest in the NP quest dialogue, when there was more than one quest.
- Fixed missing translation for the items presented in the resource node gathering window.
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update - Update Date: 30.09.2019
Dear Community, we are after the next Pre Alpha Tests.
We added a very important feature responsible for mobs and NPCs pathfinding. They will be aware of the world structure now. Mobs will also aggro based on the line of sight before they will follow and attack players. It will be useful mostly for labyrinth kind of dungeons that are present in the World Of Heroes realm.
Update - Update Date: 15.08.2017
- Added new enemies
- Added a new task and quests
- Enabled new map area
- Added regions along with the names and translations
Changes to existing features
- The balancing operation has been carried out. Changes have been made to the statistics of the characters and enemies
- Introduced a modification for merchants. Now skill books that have already been used and learned will be highlighted in the trade interface
- Introduced modifications for ToolTips describing in merchants:
- Tooltip also shows skills book additional tooltip showing skill, which Your Hero will learn by reading the skill book
- Tooltip for recipe which shows an extra tooltip for an output result item for the recipe. In the case of an item as an output there is also information about parameters such as strength, damage, etc.)
- Changes for targeting opponents
- After getting the level Your Hero will fully regain life and mana
- Introduces multithreaded application procedure update
- Added backpack check system for resources and production of objects in the forge
- Introduces a modification for the visualization of the cooldowns and added value of the time to the countdown time
- In the quest log and in a conversation with NPC, completed tasks/quests will now be highlighted
- Improved functioning of the trade window with the merchant. When you purchase an item from any page does not change the active tab
- Improved functioning of buying multiple items from the merchant. Dialog box opens by pressing SHIFT + left mouse button
- Fixed scrolling for large minimap
- Fixed visibility of quantities of items in backpack, mail etc.
- Fixed receive experience in the group. Currently, only members of the group which are located at close distance will receive experience for defeating an enemy
- Fixed highlighting on the selected target, which in some cases was mistakenly shown also on the walls or on some elements above
- Fixed mob’s following system, before when mobs changed direction stopped for a moment
- Fixed scrolling messages in the chat window
- Fixed a bug that enabled duplicate items and currency
- Fixed Refresh information for a group (the names of the characters, levels, avatars)
- Fixed many bugs in Launcher application
- Fixed an error where patch with more 1GB segments was applied
- Fixed a bug with “repair” functionality
- Fixed an error for leaving the group instance. Sometimes when a group of two-persons was disbanded only one player was removed from the instance and the group wasn’t correctly resolved
- Fixed a bug leaving a single instance. The player was removed from the instance, if he was in a group and the group has been terminated
- A number of fixes related to translations
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update 0.7.3 - Update Date: 24.07.2017
- Additional options in the graphics settings
- Instances and dungeons are now available for both single player and for the Group
- Introduces the functionality of the forge (near 1400 recipes, 300 materials)
- Additional attributes for the character:
- Critical Hit
- Parry (only available for the two-handed sword)
- Evasion
- The guild system was introduced. The player has the option to:
- Create Guild
- Invite another player
- Promote Guild Member
- Demote Guild Member
- Chat on the Guild channel
- Introduced the ability to view another player’s statistics (by right clicking on the avatar and selecting the “Player Info”)
- New skills for the collection of resource nodes:
- Mining
- Woodcutting
- Herbalism
- New skills for the forge:
- Metalsmithing
- Woodworking
- Tailoring
- Alchemy
- Jewelry
- Forge workshops has been added along with merchants selling recipes and a few essential minerals
- Added hidden chests containing valuable items
- Added the ability to save credentials on login screen
- Added additional minerals (of varying quality), which can be obtained by collecting the resource nodes
Changes to existing features
- Added marks for traders and merchants on the minimap
- Changes in the statistics for (balance)
- Additional information on the Panel of the hero in the skills tab:
- Recently added skills
- Required level for skills (including passive ones)
- Conducted the second phase of optimization, so that:
- Significantly reduced the game requirements
- Speed up loading maps
- A number of improvements to the Launcher including:
- Added repair button and removed the automatic validation of files each time you start the Launcher. Now You will be able to perform such an operation at any time, if you have problems with the game
- Accelerated process of applying downloaded patches
- Fixed the display of effects on selected target and group members
- Interactive items highlight range increased
- Improved chances of effects casted on the opponent (slow, immobilization, stun), was previously 100% success rate and even as the opponent dodged the attack and damage, the effect was still applied
- Fixed refresh of the group members panel (level, avatar, name, etc.)
- A number of fixes related to translations
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update 0.7.1 - Update Date: 03.06.2017
- Integrated account with Panel page. From now on, you can manage your account by logging in on the site https://www.worldofheroes.pl/?page_id=1007 and go to the ‘ my account ‘ section
- Added options for information of controller
- Added ability to change the sensitivity of the mouse movement as well as scrolling windows
- Added an option to select the quests whose progress you want to track
- Added a location on a map for a selected quest
- Added minimap tags identifying the most important elements as new quests, in-progress quests, quests to complete and marked were important NPC as merchants or forge are
- Added help from the chat Panel (available after pressing the button “?” located in the lower-left corner of the chat)
- Added information about skill level the use of a particular type of weapon. The information is available in the popup window in the skills
- Added highlighting items in the merchant, which at any given time a character may not use (does not meet the requirements for example, does not have the appropriate level)
- Added different types of tooltips (statistics, attributes menu)
- Added special effect when character gains the level
- Added the ability to reset the settings of the user interface
- Added view basic information about the selected enemy
- Added auto-targeting. If a player is attacked, while it will not have any of the selected order is automatically the enemy will be marked as the target
- Added global chat “/2 message” and instance chat “/1 message”
Changes to existing features
- Changed the appearance of the sliders
- Changed the appearance of the messages
- Changed the calculation of the received experience for the routes (previously only on the basis of the level of the opponent, all kinds of regular/basic/boss gave at the same level equal to the amount of experience). Currently, Basic enemy and Boss give significantly more experience
- Decreased enemies aggro
- Adjusted the starting location
- Targeting using tab now selects only opponents
- Significantly improved login scene loading time
- Significantly improved performance by optimizing the loading process dynamic elements on the map (NPC’s, mobs, Players)
- Fixed sound level of footsteps, before the sounds move through the areas of dirt were much quieter than others
- Fixed broken equipping jewelry (earrings)
- Fixed an issue with the comparison of statistics of jewelry (earrings)
- Fixed issue with not refreshing character levels in the Group
- Fixed a problem with the completing quest when character’s backpack was full
- Fixed the lack of Polish characters in chat
- Fixed function changes the size of the chat window
- Many bug fixes related to translations
- Fixed display popup for several skills
- Fixed issue related with additional bags on character
Implemented many other small fixes and changes
Update 0.7 - Update Date: 12.01.2017
- Players can now create guilds and invite others to join
- Added guild chat
- Added basic guild management system promote, demote members, news of the day
- Players now have the ability to access bank/chest
- The possibility of obtaining pelts and other items from defeated monsters (early version)
Changes to existing features
- Improved messaging system, allowing you to manage messages in your account, and not, as previously, in the framework of each character
- Added AoE abilities
- For certain abilities have been introduced to face an enemy to use them
- Added a new effect (remove effect, positive or negative)
- Speed is now changed by a member of the movement for the riding
- Added check of movement as for skills, which the cast time is greater than 0
- The effect of the mount is now passive, so it will be canceled if the player logs out
- Fixed a bug with removing the positive effects when you click on their icon
- Fixed checking for leaving the region by characters
- Magic skills correctly check the requirements that have to be met
- Many small fixes and bugs
Update 0.6.1 - Update Date: 17.06.2016
- Implementation of avatars – allowing players to select it from list when player creating new character.
- Added refresh the amount of items available from the merchants. If the buyer has a limited number of items, it will be refreshed after a specified time.
- Added element of the user interface (GUI) that allows exiting from the game.
- Added additional options for sound and music.
- Added a list of servers, allowing player to selection server during character creation (early version).
- For some of the skills we added a requirement to select target.
- Added the ability to purchase multiple items in one transaction with the merchant – while clicking the object hold SHIFT.
- Added new option to the menu of skills that allows you to show only the learned skills.
- Added the ability to test a duel between players. You can challenge another player to a duel by right-clicking on their avatar and selecting a duel from menu.
- Added the ability to swap items in a backpack.
- Added ability to scroll battle text in the chat window.
- Added the display of additional information on the items after moving the cursor on it – (Popups).
- Added the at-risk skills, enabling it to increase or decrease. Characters with heavy armour will be able to focus on each enemy attacks, while players with light armour and linen will be able to reduce this ratio while reducing the chance of their attack by opponents.
- Added weight system objects (early version – in tests).
- Added strength and system repair items (early version – in tests).
- Introduced an improvement to the system forge. Instead, the system drag and drop also works double-clicking on the item in order to insert it in the slot interface forge.
- A players can not pass through the trade option or send a message in the game more currency than they have.
- Teleporting to instance or dungeon is now handled correctly – fixed bug moving to the wrong place in specific situations.
- Stunned mobs will continue to follow its target when the effect ends.
- During the conversation with the NPC will appear continuation of the tasks which the player has not completed.
- Fixed bug when saving the currency when a player signed out or shut the window game.
- Players can no longer send invitations to a group, if they already have another invitation.
- Improved target search for the mobs for characters resurrected or returning to the checkpoint, taking into account the new attribute threats.
- Fixed a bug when logging in the player when the previously selected option and cancelled registration.
- Fixed broken button “previous page” at the screen trade with the merchant.
- Action bar throwing skills is no longer interrupted by the actions of other players (eg. By sending messages).
- Fixed a bug that did not display the items located on the back of the character.
- Fixed a bug that randomly does not display the icons of items in the backpack.
- Fixed promote player as the group leader.
- Fixed a bug that allows double join the player to the team.
- Fixed an instance limit the number of players that were not fully filled by players.
- Damage weapon are now properly displayed in tool-tips for weapons.
- Skills that are acquired automatically now have an initial value 1 instead 0.
- Fixed a bug related to the constraints level player and mob.
- Fixed an interactive objects, which acted improperly in the case when it was opened another interface window.
- Fixed a bug when the character, who was in an instance and invites you to team another person and that person join to the instance.
- Many small bug fixes on the server side.
Update 0.6 - Update Date: 28.02.2016
In an update to v0.6 there have been many changes:
Implementation of the new GUI
- The new user interface has been redesigned from the ground up to improve access to various functions. We also changed graphic user interface to the game to increase fun.
- System of lifting and dropping skills and items within the belt skills – allows better management of skills and items by player.
- Added tabs to the chat window “Fight” and “Events“.
- Players can invite other players to join them to form a group. Grouping feature enables you to share the experience acquired from enemies and mission objectives.
- Added support for group chat allowing group members to communicate with each other.
- Added support for dungeons group.
Players can now trade unrelated objects and currency.
- Added related attributes allowing one parameter to change the value of other attributes.
- Added new combat elements: Teleport, Recovery and Transformation.
- Added effects operating at a certain time, eg. time base restore a specific number of vitality points.
Equipment, Forge, Tasks
- Added support for sub-currency thereby enabling to implement a system (copper, silver and gold along with the corresponding calculations of 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 Gold).
- Added full system requirements for tasks allowing to determine what level of skills a player should have to start a task.
- Added development time and a few income statement items to forge.
- Now tasks can be started with use of items, interactive objects and regions.
- Many small improvements and bug fix.
Update 0.5 - Update Date: 01.02.2016
Along with the update v0.5 we added ability to ride on:
- Horse,
- Wolf,
- Dragon (currently in beta).
- Added time bar preparation / throwing skills.
- Added notification system to the user interface. Information can be associated with special events (appearance of a new creature in some locations), promotions in the store game information about the need for maintenance and other information that may be important for the players.
- Introduced highlighting objects when you point to the object – in some situations, the cursor may change.
- Collecting materials takes time – when you hover on the raw and click starts the process of collecting, which may be interrupted when the character starts to move.
- Introduced stun effect which prevents the movement hit character – this effect can be triggered by certain skills or items.
- Added effect of science – after reading the secret scrolls player will gain new knowledge that can be used eg. In combat.
- Fixed a bug related to the loss of bonuses to statistics, when the player gained a new level.
- Introduced minor fixes, removed few minor errors on the server side.